Director Identification Number Deadline is Close

What Is a Director Identification Number?

The number is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever.

DINs are recorded in a database to be administered and operated by the Australian Tax Office and are made available to the public.


SIP DIN Who Does A DIN Apply To?

Director ID only applies to companies and corporate bodies registered under the Corporations Act and CATSI Act.

Director ID does not apply to sole traders, partnerships or trusts unless the trust has a corporate trustee.


Deadlines For Applying for A DIN

Directors who were appointed on or before 31 October 2021 have until 30 November 2022 to apply for a director ID.

Failure to apply on time constitutes a criminal offence and heavy fines will apply.

Read more >


How To Apply for A DIN

All directors must apply for their own DIN. This cannot be done by a third party.

The new Australian Business Registry Services (‘ABRS’) is responsible for administering the director ID initiative.

The quickest way for director ID applications to be lodged is via their website.

An online application needs to be completed via the MyGovID app – please note this is a separate app from MyGov. It takes about 15 minutes.

If you have any questions about your duties as a director, please reach out to your SIP contact ASAP.

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